Thursday 15 August 2013

DIY Polaroid Camera Brooche


Its time for another DIY, a DIY so cute it is un-resitable (I know, I know)! Today we are going to be making a Polaroid Camera Badge, yay!! Lets not waste any more time chatting, lets get into this adorable DIY!

Step 1: Print and cut out the template (above), then trace over it on the different felts (colour coded on the template) and cut it out.

Step 2: Collect a needle and thread it up. Put the 2 white base felt pieces together and then sew nearly all the way round, leaving a part of it un-sewn.

Step 3: Using your stuffing/cotton wool, stuff the camera through the open part of sewn base. After that, sew up the gap.

Step 4: Next, Stick on the rest of pieces of felt to start making the camera look like a camera ;)

Step 5: Using the fabric pens (I used pink yellow and blue) create the Polaroid ribbon underneath the lens.
It should look something like this:

   Step 6: Turn over the Camera. Attach the Safety pin to the back of the camera, using a spare rectangular piece of white felt glue it over one side of the safety pin. Like this:

I added a small white strip of white felt to the black bottom part of the camera to create the slot where the photos come out. I then I tidied the camera up and this was the final result:

I thought it came out well! Sorry about the poor quality of the photos, my camera is kinda broken, but I will be getting a new one soon.
I paired my badge with a daffodil yellow top and dark denim jacket and it looked so retro and cute! I hope you have as much fun making it as I did!

-Birdyblue xx


  1. This is so cute! I really like this DIY :) I love Polaroid cameras
    -Becky X

    1. Thank you so much :3! I am a huge fan of your blog!!!
      Birdyblue xx
